Who is Saint Nicholas?

Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered figures in the Christian tradition, known for his generosity, compassion, and help to the poor and needy. He is the prototype of many legendary figures such as Santa Claus and Father Christmas and remains a symbol of kindness and charity to this day.

The History of Saint Nicholas

Early Years

Nicholas was born around 270 AD in Patara, a city in Lycia, within the Roman Empire (modern-day Turkey). He was the only child of wealthy Christian parents and showed a great interest in religion from a young age. His parents died during an epidemic, and Nicholas inherited their wealth. He decided to dedicate his life to serving God and helping those in need.

Service in Myra

Nicholas became a priest and later the bishop of Myra (now Demre, Turkey). His ministry was marked by numerous miracles and acts of kindness. One of the most famous stories tells how Nicholas helped three poor sisters by secretly leaving them bags of gold so they could marry and not be sold into slavery.

Miracles and Legends

Saint Nicholas became famous for many miracles. One such miracle occurred during a great famine when he saved the city from starvation by negotiating the delivery of grain from another city. Another well-known miracle involved saving three sailors from death during a storm. Due to these and many other stories, Nicholas became the patron saint of children, sailors, merchants, and many others.

Death and Canonization

Nicholas died on December 6, 343 AD, and was buried in a cathedral in Myra. His relics were later transferred to Bari, Italy, where they remain to this day. Nicholas was canonized as a saint, and his feast day, December 6, is celebrated throughout the Christian world.

Traditions and Celebrations

Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day, celebrated on December 6, is an important event in many countries, especially in Europe. Children write letters to Saint Nicholas, telling him about their good deeds and wishes. On the night before the holiday, children leave their shoes or stockings by the fireplace or on the windowsill, hoping to find gifts from Saint Nicholas in the morning.

Traditions in Ukraine

In Ukraine, Saint Nicholas Day is a special holiday eagerly awaited by children. On the night of December 19 (according to the new calendar), Nicholas brings gifts to those who have been well-behaved throughout the year. Children often find sweets, toys, or other pleasant surprises under their pillows. It is also a day for helping the poor and needy, continuing the tradition of charity initiated by the saint himself.

Other Countries

In different countries, the celebration of Saint Nicholas may vary. For example, in the Netherlands, he is known as Sinterklaas, and his day is celebrated on December 5. In Italy, he is known as San Nicola and is the patron saint of Bari. In Germany, children receive gifts from Saint Nicholas on the night of December 6, and in some regions, the holiday is marked with parades and costume performances.

Saint Nicholas's Influence on Modern Culture

The Prototype of Santa Claus

The image of Saint Nicholas became the basis for creating the modern Santa Claus. Dutch settlers brought the legend of Sinterklaas to America, where he transformed into Santa Claus. Through literature, cinema, and advertising, the image of Santa Claus has become an integral part of Christmas celebrations.

Charity and Compassion

Saint Nicholas is a symbol of generosity and compassion. His example inspires people to engage in charity and help their neighbors. On the days when we celebrate his memory, many participate in charitable events, help those in need, and bring joy to children.

Saint Nicholas in Pop Culture

Literature and Cinema

The image of Saint Nicholas often appears in literary works and films. His story and legends serve as the foundation for many Christmas plots that remind us of the importance of kindness and compassion. One of the most famous works is the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," where the visit of Santa Claus is described.

Modern Traditions

Saint Nicholas remains an important part of modern holiday traditions. His image is used in Christmas decorations, costumes, and cards. Many cities host festive events, parades, and markets where you can meet Saint Nicholas, take photos with him, and receive gifts.


Saint Nicholas is more than just a legendary figure. He symbolizes kindness, compassion, and generosity, inspiring people to perform good deeds. His history and traditions live on today, continuing to bring joy and hope to people around the world. The online store "Kostumi Store" offers you the opportunity to participate in this wonderful tradition by choosing the best costumes and accessories for celebrating Saint Nicholas Day.